Overcoming ADHD: Proven Strategies to Achieve Success despite Your Diagnosis

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. It can have a major impact on a person’s academic and professional success and lead to feelings of frustration and low self-esteem. However, the good news is that ADHD can be managed with the right strategies and resources.

With the right guidance and support, people diagnosed with ADHD can not only lead healthy and productive lives but also achieve success in their chosen fields. This article will discuss how individuals can develop the skills and techniques to overcome ADHD and reach their goals. It will also provide tips and advice on how to make the most of available resources, such as medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes, to support your success.

Developing Effective Strategies to Overcome ADHD

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to overcoming ADHD, as the condition manifests itself differently in every individual. What works for one person may not be effective for another. However, several strategies can be used to effectively manage ADHD symptoms and improve functionality in both academic and professional settings.

Tips for Managing ADHD Symptoms

  • Improve Your Time Management

Poor time management is one of the most common symptoms of ADHD. It is important to develop good time management to help you better manage your workload and avoid getting overwhelmed. To improve your time management, try making lists, creating reminders, and utilizing a calendar or planner to manage your time more effectively.

  • Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a type of meditation that has been shown to improve attention and impulse control. Practicing mindfulness regularly can help you to become more focused and less impulsive in your thoughts and actions. You can practice mindfulness by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed, focusing on your breath, and observing your thoughts as if they are occurring from a distance.

  • Stay Organized

Being organized is a crucial element of managing ADHD. Keeping your workspace clean, your inbox tidy, and your schedule organized are all important strategies for managing symptoms. Using a planner to keep track of your appointments, tasks, and assignments can also be a helpful strategy.

  • Stay Consistent

Changing your daily routine too often can be challenging for people with ADHD. Consistency can help manage daily challenges and can also reduce stress. By keeping your daily routine consistent, you can avoid the additional mental and emotional burden that change can bring.


Overcoming ADHD can be a challenge, but it is a challenge that is worth taking on. With the right strategies and resources, people diagnosed with ADHD can not only lead healthy and productive lives but also achieve success in their chosen fields.

This article has discussed how individuals can develop the skills and techniques to overcome ADHD and reach their goals. It has also provided tips and advice on how to make the most of available resources, such as medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes, to support your success. By following these tips, anyone can overcome ADHD and find success in life.

Here’s how to combat loneliness in elderly people

Loneliness can be harmful to our health, including mental health, and for older people this can be even harder. Their home might once have been a flourishing hub of activity, with children running around and constant visitors through the doors. But, families grow up and move away, leaving people feeling isolated and alone.

If you are concerned your loved one is suffering from isolation, consider the following advice by Hadar Swersky on how to combat loneliness in the elderly.

  • Focus on family time. If you stay near your aging relative, pay a visit. Whether you plan an activity or just sit and chat, time with family can be priceless. There is great power in intergenerational connections, which is something people have observed through history, but recent scientific research has been proving it as well.
  • Reach out to local friends and neighbors. Frequently, local contacts would be happy to stop by and visit your loved one if asked. Some schools and congregations even have outreach programs designed to help lonely seniors.
  • Home care can fight loneliness in the elderly. In-home caregivers provide help with tasks like meal preparation, housekeeping, and transportation. But they also offer much-needed companionship for older adults.
  • Encourage relationships with other older adults. Frequently, seniors are going through things that younger people even family caregivers can’t fully understand. Having a support network of peers can combat loneliness in the elderly by offering a safe space to talk about the concerns that come with age. Hadar notes that older people may be comfortable discussing death and loneliness in a way that younger people are not accustomed to, so being able to speak openly can help stop anxiety and loneliness.
  • If you are worried about an aging loved one who may be struggling with loneliness, and wondering how best to support them, you are far from alone. The issue is becoming more and more commonly expressed and discussed and offers an occasion for relatively frequent advice listicles in the media. The approach taken here is to begin from the ground up, to recognize the causes of the loneliness epidemic and go from there to recommend practical ways you can support your dear ones.
  • Join a gym or fitness centre. This is a great way to stay physically fit and engage with others. Staying socially active and maintaining your relationships are extremely important parts of healthy ageing. Stay as vibrant, active, and social as you have always been.
  • Volunteer in your community. Hadar Swersky says helping others is a fantastic way to give something back to the community and remind yourself that even later in life you too have a great deal to offer.
  • Pick up the Phone. It is difficult to find time in our busy lives, but a few minutes can make a big difference to a lonely senior. Set up phone calls with family members, ideally every day. Staying in close contact can create the feeling of togetherness even if you can’t physically be together. If your loved one has a tablet, smartphone, or computer, you could also try a video conferencing call, email or text. Or there is always good old-fashioned letter writing.

Senior loneliness is not an unavoidable part of aging. At any age, we need individuals in our lives who care about us, will giggle with us and help us through hard times. Even if your loved one has a health condition or other problem that keeps them home, there are ways to stay connected. Just a couple social interactions per week can make a real difference in their physical and emotional health.

How to know when to consult regarding ADHD problem

Have you ever been asked if you have ADHD? Maybe you’ve got the same idea. Seeing a doctor is the only way to be sure. That is due to the disorder’s wide range of symptoms, which are frequently confused with those of other illnesses like depression or stress. Do you have any apprehensions about visiting a doctor? You should see a doctor if you have multiple of these symptoms.

  • It’s to get said that you’re forgetful.

Now and again, everyone loses their vehicle keys or jackets, according to Hadar Swersky. When you have ADHD, though, this type of behavior happens frequently. Every day, you could waste time looking for glasses, wallets, phones, and other items. You could also fail to return phone calls, pay payments late, or skip medical appointments.

  • People say you don’t pay attention.

Most occasionally lose focus during a conversation, especially if a TV nearby or something else catches our attention. Even when there are no distractions, this happens frequently and to a greater extent in those with ADHD. However, ADHD is much more than that, according to Hadar Swersky.

  • You’re always late.

When you have ADHD, time management is a constant struggle. If you don’t attempt to avoid it, you’ll frequently miss deadlines or appointments.

  • You have a hard time focusing.

One of the defining characteristics of the illness is difficulty focusing for lengthy periods or paying attention to details. Depression, anxiety, and addiction disorders can all affect your ability to concentrate, and many people with ADHD suffer from one or more of these conditions. To figure out what’s causing your focus issues, your doctor can ask you questions.

  • You never finish what you begin.

It can be complex to start or finish tasks if you have attention or memory problems, especially if you know they will take a lot of concentration. This symptom could also indicate depression.

  • As a child, you had trouble with your behavior.

To be diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, you must have had attention and concentration problems as a child, even if those early symptoms got not accompanied by a formal diagnosis. People may have accused you of being a slacker when you were younger. They may have mistakenly assumed you were suffering from another illness, such as depression or anxiety. You may still have the disease if you were diagnosed with it. The signs and symptoms alter as you get older, and not everyone gets over it.

  • Your instincts have seized control.

It’s not as simple as placing a candy bar into your shopping cart and walking out. Anything you do despite being aware of the consequences, such as speeding past a red light because you believe you can get away with it or failing to keep quiet when you should.

  • You’re not going to be able to organize your life.

At work, you could notice it more. Setting priorities, completing activities, and meeting project deadlines could be complex.

What are the signs of loneliness in seniors?

If you consider the causes, you may sometimes determine if your parents or grandparents are lonely—especially if they have just lost a friend or family member. However, sometimes the changes are modest and difficult to detect. Here are several indicators of loneliness among the elderly that you should be aware of:

  • Nights with no sleep

According to a study, loneliness link to sleep efficiency: the more lonely a person is, the more fragmented their sleep becomes. Attempt to converse with your parents or grandparents more if they complain about not getting enough sleep or being more tired than usual. They may be lonely.

  • Buying patterns have changed.

Loneliness has to get linked to increased shopping habits, according to a study. That lonely persons look for activities to fill their time and distract themselves from their loneliness by purchasing to compensate for their lack of social relationships. Speak out if you find your parents or grandparents buying more than usual—they may not say it out loud, but they may be lonely.

  • Appetite deficiency

If a senior is lonely, they may lose their appetite. Although a change in hunger may get expected as part of the aging process, it’s worth noting when it gets accompanied by other indicators of loneliness.

  • Seniors get reminded of family or friends they haven’t seen in a long time.

It could be elders simply missing their friends or relatives, but it could also be a sign of loneliness. It’s also worth noting how many elders mention their friends or families. “I miss them,” “How are they doing,” and “they never visit anymore” are key phrases to pay attention to it.

  • The number of phone calls has decreased.

Loneliness gets linked to phone usage, according to Hadar Swersky, Co-founder and chairman of the Age group. As a means of forming new connections and coping with loneliness, seniors may need to seek out and chat with someone more frequently. A drop in the number of phone calls, on the other hand, may indicate loneliness. When lonely seniors have changed their expectations for assistance and are no longer looking for new contacts, they have reached this stage. Pay attention to your loved ones’ phone behaviors since any changes could indicate loneliness.

  • Time spent at home has increased

Staying at home alone should not be viewed as a sign of loneliness, but if your loved ones are spending a growing amount of time at home without the companionship of friends and family, you should get treated more seriously. That is evident if they make more excuses to stay at home rather than attend family gatherings or spend time with friends or family.

  • Cues verbal

Seniors may express their loneliness to you or even say it aloud, according to Hadar Swersky, Co-founder and chairman of the Age group. You may need to watch for subtle signals, such as when your loved ones say they don’t have someone to talk to or that they wish to visit friends more frequently.

Hadar Swersky – Tips on How to Treat ADHD Without Medication

It is estimated that almost ten percent children are diagnosed with ADHD, and as the use of medication to manage symptoms of hyperactivity and inattention increase, several people are looking for ways to treat ADHD. Increasingly, integrative medicine doctors recommend a range of natural remedies which help enhance ADHD symptoms, or to increase medication effectiveness.

A few natural ADHD remedies entail lifestyle changes, like diet and sleep, while others focus on biohacking the brain to pay attention and support attention, and less impulsivity. For most, the most excellent ADHD treatment plan comprises many of these approaches–practiced at the same time and constantly.

Hadar Swersky talks about strategies that can help you address ADHD naturally, some of which are as follows:

Food intolerances or sensitivities contribute to leaky gut and intestinal inflammation, which can impact gut bacteria negatively and the production of neurotransmitters necessary for healthy brain function, worsening signs of ADHD like impulsivity and aggression. While all people are not sensitive to gluten and dairy, it is often helpful to leave out these foods completely for at least six weeks.

Quality proteins, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, healthy fats rich in omega 3s, and minimally processed grains offer optimal fuel sources for both adults and kids for neurotransmitter and healthy brain function. Eating a whole foods based diet prioritizes health and nutrient density, offering the minerals, vitamins, and quality fuel to healthy neurotransmitter production and function. A nutrient-dense diet is an essential step to address ADHD without medication.

A range of nutrient deficiencies, including zinc, B vitamins, magnesium, and omega 3 fatty acids are associated with the development of ADHD. Most of these nutrients work synergistically with one another, which makes a deficiency in one affect the appropriate function of the others. 

The bodies are exposed to unstable free radicals constantly, which, if left unimpeded, can move around the body and damage essential things like brain, DNA structure, and other cells. You can think of free radicals such as cells that have not been to therapy–they are unpredictable, unstable, and that is what makes them unsafe.

Several go-to breakfast foods–particularly those made for kids–are filled with sugar, artificial preservatives, and processed carbohydrates. Unfortunately, this is the least stable source of fuel and can even send a neuro-typical brain into an energy spiral. Individuals with ADHD must start their day with a high protein breakfast, and they often need to eat throughout the day frequently. Meals and snacks must always be balanced while prioritizing healthy fats, protein, and minimally processed carbohydrates.

Hadar Swersky says that while some severe cases of ADHD do necessitate medications, for maximum kids and adults, simple dietary and lifestyle changes can make huge differences that have deep impact to improve ADHD without medication. 

Hadar Swersky Author of Winning in Business with ADHD – How ADHD can Affect A Student’s Ability to Perform?

ADHD can affect the ability of the student to pay attention, focus, take note, or put effort into schoolwork. ADHD also can make a student restless, fidgety, disrupt the class or talk too much. Kids with ADHD may also have learning abilities that cause them to have issues in school.

Most kids with ADHD start school before their ADHD is diagnosed. Teachers are at times the first to notice possible signs of ADHD. They might talk it over with the child’s parent. The parent can then have the child assessed by a health provider to see if it is ADHD.

Hadar Swersky says that teachers can help kids with ADHD in a number of ways, some of which are as follows:

• Every student with ADHD is diverse. Some need assistance in managing distractions and paying attention. Some need assistance staying categorized. Others need assistance regarding the starting of their work, or finishing work they start. A few students with ADHD have problem working quietly or staying seated. Ask the teacher how ADHD affects your kid in the classroom and what you can do to assist your child with schoolwork.

Hadar Swersky further says that you can ask the teacher to know how your child is doing. Using a file that goes backward and forward between you and your child’s teacher is a way to share notes about progress.

• Based on what a student needs, a teacher can do things such as:

 Offer instructions that are brief and clear.
 Seat a student where there are lesser distractions.
 Be positive, encouraging, and warm.
 Have simple classroom rules and routines.
 Praise efforts.
 Direct kids to hold back and take their time.
 Help with organization.
 Help them to stay on task.
 Give additional time to complete work.
 Give breaks to play in the classroom.
 Teach students how to check their work and catch slipshod errors.

• For older students, teachers can also:

 Teach study skills such as reading aloud, taking notes, and prepping for tests.
 Break down multi-step assignments and projects into smaller parts.

Thus, teachers can bring out the best in your kid. When teachers see the best in their students, students see the best in themselves. Teachers can communicate that every student can learn, grow, and succeed whether or not they have ADHD.

Knowing what to look for and getting your kid assistance at the first sign of problem is the best way for you to guard a child with ADHD.

The Best Sports for ADHD Kids by Hadar Swersky Author of Winning in business with ADHD

Active children are healthy children, but not all sports are suitable for children with ADHD. Learn why martial arts, swimming, tennis, and other activities for kids to enhance health, self-esteem, and collaboration are recommended by parents and ADD specialists.

• Swimming

Structure and direction are beneficial to children with ADHD, and a swim team may provide both. Swimmers get critical one-on-one time with instructors while still benefiting from the social aspects of being a member. Your child will be able to concentrate on his personal development, such as improving personal swim times, without having to compare himself to others on the team. From a young age, swimming helped reduce ADHD symptoms by keeping people focused and disciplined.

• MMA (Martial Arts)

In martial arts training, self-control, discipline, and respect are just a few of the abilities that get stressed. Step-by-step instruction ensures that students grasp each new martial arts combo, leaving minimal room for error, according to Hadar Swersky. The use of rituals in martial arts, such as bowing to the instructor, can assist teach youngsters with ADHD to accept, develop, and employ routine in other parts of their lives, which is a surprise benefit.

• Tennis

Tennis is an excellent sport for competitive kids who enjoy competing against themselves to learn a new skill, according to Hadar Swersky. Tennis does necessitate coordinated effort and communication when played in doubles, but its lively, quick pace maintains children’s prolonged concentration, which is beneficial to many children with ADHD. In addition, hitting tennis balls might help your child vent any anger or irritation he may be feeling after a particularly trying day at school.

• Gymnastics

Gymnastics and other activities that require close attention to body motions, such as gymnastics, have been demonstrated in studies to help children with ADHD and LD improve their focus. Gymnastics equipment and routines are very similar to those used in occupational therapy. They can help your kid manage sensory processing disorder by improving core strength, balance, and muscular awareness.

• Soccer

Being on a soccer team fosters togetherness, which can be especially beneficial for children with ADHD and LD seeking to improve their social skills. Sign your child up for a team with younger kids at a comparable maturity level if she gets developmentally or emotionally delayed. Soccer games also have a lot of action, which is needful for people with short attention spans.

• Riding A Horse

Horses can mimic their handlers’ emotions and attitudes, used in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP). As your ADD child interacts with the horse, she will learn to watch and react to the animal’s activities rather than repeating her behavior patterns.

• Cross-Country and Track and Field

In other sports, kids generally warm up on the bench before getting any playing time. It leads to boredom-related behavior problems in children with ADHD. Running track or cross-country, on the other hand, is usually all-encompassing, with little downtime. Running teaches youngsters discipline and pacing and the social benefits of being a member without competing directly with other children.

Hadar Swersky on Girls with ADHD No Need to Suffer Anymore

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has long been thought of as a condition affecting males. But, more girls are being diagnosed as the understanding of the condition intensifies. Girls are more expected to have inattentive ADHD, in which shyness and daydreaming are common, while it is more typical for boys to have hyperactive-impulsive ADHD or combined presentation.

Living with undiagnosed ADHD can lead to drawbacks, such as low self-esteem, a lack of accommodations in the classroom, and self-blame. Gone undiagnosed, ADHD can even affect mental health well into adulthood and adolescence. Being aware of the various ways ADHD can present in your daughter can help you know when it may be time to see a doctor for an assessment.

Hadar Swersky says that ADHD symptoms can manifest in a different way in every child. You can have a boy who has been diagnosed with ADHD, but never considered that your daughter who is having trouble in school may also have it too as her issues seem so different from the boy. ADHD symptoms in girls are often thought of as girl’s personality instead of ADHD, which is why they are often overlooked or explained away. It is much simpler to identify a child who is defiant and physically active as someone that would advantage from an ADHD evaluation than someone who seems distracted or distant. In girls, ADHD signs and symptoms tend to have these fundamental commonalities.
Signs and Symptoms

Hadar Swersky says that not all girls with ADHD will exhibit all of the below mentioned signs and symptoms. Having one or two of these does not equal an ADHD diagnosis in and of itself. But, if a girl daughter seems to exhibit a few of these symptoms on a continual basis, a discussion with an experienced professional may be helpful.
• Cries easily
• Appears withdrawn
• Disorganized and messy (in her appearance and physical space)
• Daydreaming and in a world of her own
• Difficulty maintaining focus; easily distracted
• Doesn’t seem motivated
• Doesn’t appear to be trying
• Forgetful
• Hyper-talkative (always has lots to say, but is not good at listening)
• Highly sensitive to noise, fabrics, and emotions
• Hyperreactivity (exaggerated emotional responses)
• Might often slam her doors shut
• Looks to be making “careless” mistakes
• Often late (poor time management)
• Seems shy
• Problems completing tasks
• Seems to get easily upset
• Takes time to process information and directions; seems like she doesn’t hear you
• Shifting focus from one activity to another
• Verbally impulsive; blurts out and interrupts others

Hadar Swersky says if ADHD is diagnosed, it can be managed and treated. Interventions can be put in place, including organizational strategies, behavior management techniques, support, counseling, and medication. Just knowing she has ADHD can ease a girl of a huge burden of culpability and shame. By contacting an expert or a professional strategies can be put in place to make life a little easier and her future much brighter.

Hadar Swersky on How to Treat ADHD

Most people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do not know they have it until they are adults. It was there all along, but they never got examined for it. Others have known they had it since childhood. But the symptoms and the stress it adds to life can alter with age. For instance, you may be less agitated as an adult. But there is a good chance you still have symptoms that affect the quality of life. Adults can have issues with controlling impulses, paying attention, and staying organized. These issues can affect your relationships, work, and self-esteem.

Hadar Swersky says that drugs are the main treatment for ADHD. But searching the one that works best for you may take some trial and error, and what works initially might not do so well over time. Also, while several drugs work for both adults and children with ADHD, there are a few drugs that have not been well-researched for adults and are not recommended much.

Stimulants. These are frequently the first choice for ADHD, and they tend to work the most excellent. Typically, you begin at a low dose. You then add to it every week until you get to where controls your symptoms without several side effects. For most adults, long-acting stimulants work perfect. They last for 12 hours approximately so you do not have to keep in mind to take as many pills. After you get the dosage correctly, you will have regular follow-ups to ensure the drug keeps working and any side effects are negligible. Most adults with ADHD will need to keep taking medications, but some will be able to discontinue. Your doctor may recommend:

• Going off the medicines once a year to see if you still require them.

• Taking a drug holiday so your body does not get too used to it. Or else, you may need a higher dose.

You may be able to manage your side effects by altering the dose or time of day you take it. Common side effects are:

• Anxiety or panic
• Anorexia or loss of appetite
• Dry mouth
• Jitteriness
• Headache
• Moodiness
• Trouble sleeping
• Slight increase in blood pressure and pulse

Hadar Swersky further says that when stimulants are not an option non-stimulants are the best option. The complete effects do not kick in quite as fast as with stimulants, but some people find it works well for them.